Baseball Opens Season 3-1

Baseball Opens Season 3-1

The Pirates kicked off their season with a 7-1 over Nunez. 

Colton Ryals led the way offensively with three hits and scored two runs. Andreaus Lewis scored two runs while hitting a double with two RBI. Carson Hepworth also added two hits. Todd Clay had a big two out double with the bases loaded to extend the lead.

On the mound, Javi Marrero went four innings allowing only three hits, no runs while striking out six. Court Connally came out of the pen with four innings of his own, giving up two hits and one run while striking out five. Ethan Edge closed it out with a clean three up, three down inning in the ninth.

In game two versus Nunez the Pirates prevailed 6-0. 

Ryals led the way offensively with two hits and two runs scored. John Smith hit a grand slam to get the party going in the first inning. Tommy Koch also was 2-for-2 at the plate. Andreaus Lewis added another double and RBI.

Brett Nestande got the start going three innings allowing only one hit, striking out three. Press Jeffcoat went two innings allowing one hit and had three strikeouts out of the pen. Zach Kittrell closed the game out with one inning and two strikeouts.

Pensacola opened Saturday with an extra inning 3-2 loss to Southwest Tennessee. 

In a pitchers duel, Blaydon Plain led the way offensively with two hits and a run scored. Preston Herce had a sacrifice fly RBI, and Todd Clay had an RBI single for the only runs scored for the Pirates.

On the mound, Josiah Glodfelter went three innings giving up zero hits while striking out two. Neco Lopez was good out of the pen going three innings while allowing two hits and striking out three.

Pensacola bounced back in the final game of the weekend winning 6-2 against Southwest. 

Ryals led the way offensively adding two hits with a double, two runs scored and an RBI. Tommy Koch had a big two RBI single to get the offense rolling late.

On the mound Brady Garcia went three innings with two runs given up, while striking out six batters. Jackson Kent got the win coming out of the pen throwing three hitless innings and striking out four batters. Zach Kittrell got the save out of the pen with a clean seventh inning, and striking out one batter.